As individuals age, it can be easy to begin to feel limited in their ability to maintain an active and engaging lifestyle. However, with the help of Valley Transit in the Fox Cities, seniors have access to resources that can help them explore new places, stay connected with friends and family, and engage in a variety of activities that contribute to a fulfilling life.

Valley Transit offers a fixed-route bus service and VT II, a van service for seniors over 60 years old who live within .75 miles of a Valley Transit bus route.

Two seniors exiting a Valley Transit busCost Effective

One of the key benefits of using Valley Transit’s services is its cost-effectiveness. With reduced bus fare programs for fixed-route buses and $4.00 fares for each trip with VT II, seniors can affordably travel.


With both a fixed-route bus service and a van service, seniors have the flexibility to choose the best option for their travel needs. The fixed-route bus service offers regular routes with predetermined stops, making it a great option for seniors who have predictable travel needs.

However, for seniors who require a more customized route, the VT II van service is available. This service offers direct origin-to-destination trips, making it a convenient and personalized option that can accommodate even the most unique travel needs.

Safe & Secure

Valley Transit’s services provide a sense of security to seniors. With trained, professional drivers and well-maintained vehicles, seniors can rest assured that their transportation needs are in safe hands.


I take Valley Transit wherever I have to go. It’s been really helpful for me otherwise I’d be pretty much stranded at the complex. I wouldn’t be able to go away or do anything, so it’s a joy to go out.

Mike, Valley Transit Passenger


Useful Tips for Seniors Using Valley Transit’s Services

Here are some tips that seniors can use to maximize the benefits of Valley Transit’s services:

Plan Ahead

For fixed-bus route riders, it is important to arrive early to your bus stop because buses operate on a strict schedule and if you miss your bus, you may have to wait for an extended period of time for the next bus.

Trips with VT II must be scheduled in advance by calling (920) 832-5789. All reservations must be made before 5:00 pm the day before your trip. If you use VT II to travel to a doctor’s appointment and don’t know when your appointment will end, you can make a same-day medical return trip reservation by calling (920) 832-5789 at the end of your appointment. It’s important to know that this is called a ‘will call’ trip and you may have a wait time of up to one hour.


3 senior women riding Valley TransitBe Flexible

Flexibility is especially important for rides with VT II. Your driver will arrive within a 30-minute window of your scheduled pick-up time, which is 15 minutes before or after your scheduled pick-up. Drivers can only wait 5 minutes, so be sure to be ready starting 15 minutes before your ride!

Cash and Exact Change

Valley Transit bus and Valley Transit II tickets can be purchased throughout the Fox Cities at ticket outlets or by mail from Valley Transit. Bus day passes can also be purchased when boarding a bus. Exact cash fare or ticket is required for all trips.

Utilize Travel Training

Travel training is a free service provided by Valley Transit to help anyone learn how to use the bus. To learn more, please contact us at: (920) 832-5800 or