Valley Transit is designed to provide access to all riders. Each bus contains accessible features, including: kneeling capability (bus lowers to make the first step easier); a ramp for wheelchair boarding; on-board wheelchair securement areas; and automated stop announcements. Drivers are trained to safely secure wheelchairs and assist with the use of ramps and securement devices, as necessary.
The bus is your ticket to freedom. Valley Transit offers complementary Travel Training to help people with disabilities and seniors ride safely and independently. While paratransit services are offered to qualifying riders, the bus provides cost-effective accessible service that enables independence.
New Securement Technology
Some Valley Transit buses are now equipped with a Quantum securement system. This system provides more independence to mobility passengers by allowing the rider to secure their own wheelchair.
See below to view a video on the Quantum system:
To view information from the Quantum system manufacturer, visit
Valley Transit drivers will assist passengers upon request as long as the safety of the passenger or driver is not at risk.