Program Summaries
Beyond fixed-route bus service, Valley Transit offers and supports several tailored demand response programs in the Fox Cities. These programs are designed to improve mobility by filling gaps not served by the fixed-route bus system. In general, demand response programs use smaller vehicles and dispatch new routes each day based on service requests rather than using a fixed-route. Valley Transit’s demand response programs often require advanced reservation from riders, target specific groups and serve distinct geographic boundaries. These programs may require special certification or eligibility before they can be used. You can view a summary of each program below and click on the provided link to learn more.
Important policies related to paratransit programs can be found on our Policies page.
VT II is advanced reservation demand-response service for people with disabilities, who are unable to use Valley Transit’s fixed route bus system for some or all trips in the service area. This service is provided under the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Service is provided by a contractor. Learn more…
VT Connector
VT Connector is a fully accessible shared-ride van service that anyone can use and does not require certification. VT Connector service is designed to provide transportation to key bus transfer points or when the bus service is not operating. Service is provided by a contractor. Learn more…
Senior Transportation Service
The Senior Transportation Service is a demand-response service for seniors who are age 60 or over and who live in the Fox Cities portion of Outagamie or Calumet County. Service is provided by a contractor. Learn more…
Outagamie County Rural Transportation Service
This transportation service is available to seniors age 60 or over and people with disabilities who reside in rural Outagamie County. Trips are provided within the rural portions of Outagamie County or into and out of the Valley Transit ADA service area. The service is demand-response and advanced reservation is required. Service is provided by a contractor. To learn more, contact the Outagamie County’s Aging and Long Term Support Division or visit their website at: Outagamie County Aging and Long Term Care
Northern Winnebago Dial-A-Ride
The Cities of Neenah and Menasha and the Village of Fox Crossing provide a demand-response service for seniors who are age 60 and older. The program is called Northern Winnebago Dial-A-Ride. Click here for a service area map.
Learn more by clicking on your place of residence below:
Winnebago County residents outside of these municipalities should contact the Winnebago County Aging and Disability Resource Center for other transportation options.
Important Note: The services above are not meant for emergency or urgent medical care transportation. Passengers eligible for medical assistance reimbursement must contact the Wisconsin Department of Health Services for transportation assistance. Visit: