Other Services & Resources

Lamers Connect – Intercity Bus

Lamers provides intercity bus transportation between Green Bay and Milwaukee. The Lamers Connect bus stops at Valley Transit’s downtown Appleton Transit Center. Ticketing and service information can be found on Lamers’ website: https://www.golamers.com/services/lamers-connect/

Amtrak Thruway – Intercity Bus

Amtrak offers bus service between Green Bay and the Milwaukee Intermodal Station.  From this station, riders can transfer to Amtrak’s rail service to Chicago. The Amtrak Thruway bus stops at Valley Transit’s downtown Appleton Transit Center. Ticketing and service information can be found on Amtrak Thruway’s website: https://amtrakhiawatha.com/amtrak/bus-service.php

Megabus – Intercity Bus

Megabus provides intercity bus transportation between Green Bay and Madison. The Megabus bus stops at Valley Transit’s downtown Appleton Transit Center. Ticketing and service information can be found on Megabus’s website: https://us.megabus.com/

GO Transit

GO Transit is the public transit provider in Oshkosh, WI. GO Transit manages a service called GO Connect, which provides tranportation between the Neenah Transit Center and Oshkosh Transit Center. To learn more, visit: https://www.ci.oshkosh.wi.us/Transit/SpecialPrograms/Go_Connect.aspx

Make the Ride Happen, LSS

Make the Ride Happen offers comprehensive transportation information to older adults and adults with disabilities in Outagamie, Calumet and Winnebago County. Make the Ride Happen manages a volunteer driver program, provides travel training and collaborates with other community organizations in an effort to fill transportation gaps when possible. Visit Make the Ride Happen at: https://www.maketheridehappen.org/

East Central Regional Planning Commission (ECWRPC)

ECWRPC guides transportation planning in an 8-county region that includes the Fox Cities. ECWRPC supports and assists Valley Transit with short and long-range planning. To learn more, visit: https://www.ecwrpc.org/

Statewide and National Public Transit Organizations

Wisconsin Public Transportation Association (WIPTA) http://wipta.org/

Community Transportation Association of America (CTAA) https://ctaa.org/

American Public Transportation Association (APTA) https://www.apta.com/